How to Style Marble Diffusers In Your Home

How to Style Marble Diffusers In Your Home

During the pandemic, the number of home fragrance sales boomed and increased by 37%. But the popularity of marble diffusers is not just a passing trend...

They are becoming an essential part of a home. However, you need to pick a stylish marble diffuser if you want it to integrate into your overall home decor. 

So, how do you style aroma diffusers in a home?

Keep reading to find out! 

General Interior Design Tips for Any Home

Before we jump into ideas for styling marble diffusers, we'll cover the essential elements and features of creating a home design. 

If this is your first time decorating a home, you must consider a few things before buying a new black marble diffuser. 

Mix Up Materials

Setting the right tone in a room is about creating depth and texture. But, to achieve this appearance, you need to mix materials. For example, a typical blend is wood and metallic. 

Although, most people choose a funky wallpaper with a pattern to add a layer of texture to a room. It's an easy and affordable choice. 

Once you have the suitable materials, little details like a Volo marble diffuser will pop!

Go Easy on the Colour 

When you visit a home decor shop, it's easy to get excited with the rows and paints and think that you want to cover every inch of the wall in a different colour. But, if you want a coherent style, you must be mindful of colour.

There's nothing wrong with adding a vibrant stroke of colour like magenta in the bedroom as long as you keep it confined. You should also consider the colour of your oil diffuser marble and how it will look in the space. 

You can match the colours or contrast them with a bold look. 

Sprinkle Your Personality Into the Space

Don't let the pressure of online space and Instagram feeds stop you from sprinkling your personality into the space. The best way to express yourself is to make a home that reflects your style and interests. 

Then, you can add diffusers as a nice extra instead of the centrepiece unless you want to carve out a relaxing space and get a spa room marble diffuser.

With this room style, the diffuser can sit in the middle, and you can place a nice bathtub around it. 

Add Lovely Accessories

To bring a home to life, you must have the right accessories. Otherwise, the house will look flat and soulless. Having beautiful small details is how you convert an empty space into a lively hub for relaxation and creativity!

And one of the best accessories is a marble diffuser. 

Not only do diffusers look gorgeous in a bedroom or bathroom, but they also provide therapeutic benefits. So, you only need to think about where to place them and how. 

How To Make Your Marble Diffusers Stylish

In the past, marble diffusers were associated with going for a massage or getting a manicure. But, nowadays, you can find them in most households. Yet, it can be tricky to find the right spot for them. 

Here is how to style your diffuser at home. 

Oil Diffuser for Better Sleep

An excellent location for your oil diffuser is in your bedroom. If you have trouble falling asleep, you might benefit from having this aromatherapy tool nearby. 

Lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood are ideal essential oils that help improve sleep. However, you don't want to knock down your diffuser at night accidentally. 

Therefore, you can place it on top of a bedside table or a cabinet at the end of your bed. Ideally, you want to match the diffuser to a wooden or glass piece of furniture. 

This way, you can make the most of its unique design in your bedroom space. 

Make Your Office Smell Heavenly

If you work from home or want to add a calming element to your office, you must include an oil diffuser. 

The best thing about oil diffusers is they require little maintenance. You can leave them running all day if they have essential oil. So, while you're typing away endless emails, you can keep your nerves calm.

Did you know that oranges and lemons promote happiness and encourage productivity? 

Well, they do! 

You can add an oil diffuser to any office space if you have a desk or bookshelf to store the item. Another great tip is placing it next to your computer for maximum effect.

That way, it's closer to you, and you can get the sweet benefits of this magical item! 

Spread Sweetness in the Bathroom and Kitchen

Apart from relaxation, another reason that people enjoy having oil diffusers is to make their space smell pleasant.

So, if you want a fresh-smelling home, you want to use a diffuser in critical rooms such as the kitchen and bathroom.

Some great oils for these rooms are peppermint, lime, or basil. Plus, when you smell basil, it will get you in the mood for cooking after a long day's work. 

Most people like placing their diffusers on the windowsill where there is a fresh blast of air, and the light can reflect on the design. This is perfect if you want people to see your great diffuser! 

You just need to buy a marble diffuser and start decorating your home. 

Thankfully, you won't have to look for too long. You can check out our wonderful collection here

Oil Diffusers To Upgrade Your Home

Figuring out your interior design is a long process, especially as our tastes and interests keep evolving. But, the good news is that marble diffusers are versatile and go anywhere! 

If you pick a neutral colour like black or white, you can incorporate the item into a living room, bedroom, or office room. Our range of oil diffusers is perfect for every home. 

Once you have your interior design style, you simply place your diffuser on top of a cabinet, table, or windowsill for a stylish accessory that emits positivity and happiness.

If you have any questions, let us know